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 Unlock Radiant, Youthful Skin with Microneedling

This innovative treatment stimulates collagen production, improves skin texture, and reduces the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and scars. Embrace a revitalized, youthful complexion with our expertly administered microneedling services, designed to help you uncover your most radiant, confident self.

microneedling results

Elements of Microneedling

At YYC Laser & Skincare, we provide expertly administered microneedling treatments utilizing the state-of-the-art DP4 system by Clarion Medical Technologies. Our experienced professionals will work closely with you to determine the most suitable treatment plan based on your individual needs and skin concerns. Microneedling has the potential to address a wide range of issues, including fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, enlarged pores, and uneven skin texture, resulting in a revitalized, more youthful complexion.

  • Microneedling Device

    We use the latest technology in microneedling - DP4 Pen by Clarion Medical. The fastest device in history, world leading vertical needle technology, ultimate infusion of microneedling specific formulations, scar treatment up to 3mm depth, virtually no pain or downtime.

  • Needle Depth

    Our skilled professionals will carefully adjust the needle depth based on your specific skin concerns and treatment goals, ensuring a personalized and effective treatment experience.

  • Treatment Area

    Microneedling can be performed on various areas of the face and body, addressing multiple skin concerns simultaneously.

  • Topical Serums

    The micro-channels created during the microneedling process allow for increased absorption of topical nutrients, enhancing the overall treatment outcome.

  • Collagen Induction

    Microneedling stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, which are essential for maintaining skin elasticity and firmness.

Benefits of DP4 Microneedling

Unleash your skin's natural healing potential with our cutting-edge DP4 microneedling system. Designed to deliver exceptional results with minimal trauma, this innovative technology offers significant benefits over traditional dermal-rolling and fractional laser treatments. Discover the transformative impact of our advanced microneedling services and boost your skin's ability to fight aging, scarring, and other concerns more effectively.

  • Faster Treatment

    The DP4 system operates up to 104% faster than other microneedling pens, ensuring a quicker and more efficient treatment experience for our clients.

  • Enhanced Nutrient Absorption

    With the ability to carry up to 80% more topical nutrients deeper into the skin, the DP4 microneedling system maximizes the benefits of serums and other skincare products, promoting optimal treatment outcomes.

  • Minimal Trauma

    Unlike dermal-rolling and fractional laser treatments, the DP4 system causes minimal trauma to the skin, allowing your skin to focus more on healing the targeted concerns rather than repairing collateral damage.

  • Versatile Treatment Options

    The advanced technology of the DP4 system allows for the treatment of various skin concerns, including aging, scarring, enlarged pores, and uneven texture, providing a comprehensive solution for your skincare needs.

DP4 Microneedling Pen

Results to Expect

Discover the transformative power of our advanced DP4 microneedling service and reveal the radiant, rejuvenated skin that lies beneath. In this guide, we outline the results you can expect after our innovative treatment, showcasing the numerous benefits that will leave your skin looking and feeling its best.

  • Improved Skin Texture

    After completing your microneedling sessions, you can expect a noticeable improvement in your skin's overall texture, with a smoother, more even appearance.

  • Reduced Fine Lines and Wrinkles

    The collagen and elastin production stimulated by the DP4 microneedling system can lead to a reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, revealing a more youthful complexion.

  • Diminished Scarring and Hyperpigmentation

    Microneedling effectively targets acne scars, hyperpigmentation, and other skin imperfections, resulting in a more even and balanced skin tone.

  • Minimized Pores

    DP4 microneedling can help reduce the size and appearance of enlarged pores, providing a smoother and more refined skin surface.

  • Enhanced Product Absorption

    The micro-channels created during the microneedling process allow for increased absorption of skincare products, optimizing their efficacy and improving overall skin health.


At YYC Laser & Skincare, we understand the importance of feeling informed and confident when choosing a treatment like microneedling. To help you make the best decision for your skincare needs, we've created a comprehensive FAQ guide that addresses common questions and concerns about our advanced DP4 microneedling service.

  • How many microneedling sessions will I need to see results?

    The number of microneedling sessions required varies depending on individual skin concerns and desired outcomes. Generally, clients can expect to see visible improvements after 3-6 sessions, spaced 4-6 weeks apart. During your initial consultation, our professionals will assess your skin and create a personalized treatment plan to achieve optimal results.

  • Is microneedling painful?

    Microneedling may cause mild discomfort during the treatment, but most clients find the procedure tolerable. Our skilled professionals can apply a topical numbing cream before the treatment to minimize any discomfort.

  • What is the downtime after a microneedling session?

    The downtime after a microneedling session is typically minimal. Clients may experience redness and mild swelling for 24-48 hours following the treatment. It is important to follow post-treatment care instructions, such as avoiding sun exposure and using gentle skincare products, to promote optimal healing.

  • Can microneedling be combined with other treatments?

    Yes, microneedling can be combined with other treatments, such as facials or IPL therapy, to enhance overall skin health and appearance. Our professionals will evaluate your specific needs and recommend the most suitable combination of treatments for optimal results.

  • Is microneedling safe for all skin types?

    Microneedling is considered safe for most skin types, including those with sensitive skin. However, it is essential to consult with our experienced professionals during your initial consultation to determine if microneedling is the best treatment option for your specific needs and concerns. We will assess your skin type, discuss your goals, and create a personalized treatment plan to ensure a safe and effective experience.

Other Services

YYC Laser & Skincare offers a range of advanced services designed to rejuvenate and enhance your skin. We offer various treatments and the latest technologies in esthetics: Laser Hair Removal with Triton by INMODE, Lumecca IPL, and Forma Skin Tightening. Our Microneedling is performed using revolutionary device DP4 by Clarion Medical. Also, we do Customized Facials, Dermaplaning, and Waxing. The esthetics expert will help you enhance your beauty and help you achieve a more radiant and confident appearance.

microneedling procedure

Unveil Your Glowing, Youthful Skin

Are you ready to unlock the full potential of your skin and achieve a rejuvenated, smooth complexion? Don't wait any longer to experience the transformative power of our advanced DP4 microneedling treatment. Book your appointment now with YYC Laser & Skincare and embark on a journey towards more radiant, youthful skin that will leave you feeling confident and refreshed!

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